We have come to the point where we are using our materials in a new way. We paint on the paper at the easel and not on the furniture or our friends! ;0)
We have been introduced to water color, and now we paint with it! We used to put the brush in the paint to change the color of the water in the cup! Now we use it to make beautiful art pieces.

But you know, we still can't resist pouring the water out and stacking the cups every now and then! ;0)

Here we have a watercolor piece created by the class!
We have been exploring with clay, play dough, and salt dough. We would love for the children to have more experience with clay, so we are providing them with many materials use for exploration.
The boys love the little dinosaurs........

scooping them up.....

lining them up and counting them......
We all work together, trading of materials, and helping each other to create with the dough.
Glue is another one of our favorites.............
And next on the children's list is TAPE! If you haven't heard, Monday is going to be a fun day for us. We have been using up all of our teachers' tape, so we will have a ball using tape on Monday! Check with the teachers to get your letter with our "homework assignment"! ;0)