in the main hallway we have put up all of our pre-k children's projects that they have worked so hard on, to show everyone how much passion they have about getting clean water to the world. they know all about how to build wells & they want to raise enough money for mr.lopez to go with living water international to build one in guatemala. so far we have collected about $374.00, the children are so proud of themselves & all the awareness they're raising. they know they can can do this, they're comittited to giving clean water to a village in gutemala!!! if you would like to donate we have a bucket on the front desk by the check-in computer or we also have a sponser sheet that the children have made if you'd like to pick one up to take to work or ask your neighbors... we appreciate eveyone's continued support to these awesome children who are going to save this world :)
Tracking the Weather
13 years ago
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