She's back!!!! We have all been patiently waiting for art classes to start again, and the time has finally come!
Classes will resume on October 11th. There will now be two levels of classes available to the students.
The Study of Art Class
Includes an introduction to various professional grade art materials. Students will be free to explore drawing and painting skills. Art history is also a very important part of the classes and is used in as many art lessons as possible. Each student will present his final body of work at an art show at the end of the session. He will also receive a portfolio to bring his artwork home at the end of the show.
Personal Series Class + The Study of Art Class
These classes are offered to students who have been in The Study of Art Class for at least two sessions. They will be offered every Monday for six weeks. In addition to the Study of Art Class, each child will also work on a two-piece series on canvas. He will choose his preferred media: oil paint, acrylic, or water color. He will learn what a "series" of paintings is and choose the subject matter and composition on both canvases so that the pieces work together as one unit. He will then paint his two canvases using traditional painting techniques. These pieces will be worked throughout the six-week class period and will require multiple layers of paint and more individual attention. A greater emphasis on technique will be given in these classes. Each student will present his final body of work at an art show at the end of the session. He will also receive a portfolio to bring his artwork home at the end of the show.
Prices, Information, and Registration forms are located by the sign-in computer. Marjon will be at Little Wonders on Thursday, September 30th from 3:00 - 6:00 for consultations and registration.
For more informaiton on Marjon's work you can visit her blog and website at
Marjon rocks!!!